Nada Mucho

41 Seattle Bands We’re Watching in 2015

Posted by March 8th, 2015 51 Comments »

OK, yeah. We get it. You’re mad that you’re favorite band isn’t on this list. We’re sure they deserve it. In fact, we acknowledge that the very existence of this list implies omissions; there are a lot of great bands in Seattle. But before you get your panties in a bundle, let us explain what we’ve got here.

What we’ve got here is a list of emerging artists in the greater Seattle area that is keeping a close eye on in 2015. They are bands that have caught our interest and seem like they are destined for bigger things in 2015 and beyond. We picked primarily artists that have yet to break through the overwhelming musical clutter in the Puget Sound area – these are the bands that haven’t necessarily caught the ear of The Stranger or made it in to regular rotation on KEXP yet, but deserve to in 2015. They are the bands we hope to see playing Sasquatch in 2016 or 2017. (That’s why you don’t see many of the amazing local and regional bands we’ve already championed… No Constant Lovers. No Helms Alee. No La Luz. No Shaprece. Because for God’s sake you should already know about those bands.)

Additionally, due to the vast pool of musical talent in Seattle and surrounding area we focused our attention there. No offense to Olympia, Tacoma or Bellingham – towns which regularly produce great bands – we just don’t have as much exposure to new bands in those cities as we do in Seattle.

For each band we’ve included a short explanation of why we included them, a picture or video and some links to check them out yourselves. You can listen to our favorite track from each band in one handy playlist over at The Seasick, a Seattle music blog that regularly shares playlists curated by bands and other people connected to the music industry.

As a final note, our insatiable appetite for interesting and compelling music implores us to resort to crowd sourcing as well. Please post links to any additional bands you think we should pay attention to in the comments section below.

So, the reason we chose these bands is…


Airport on Nada Mucho

… Because Airport (Jayson Kochan) makes dead-cool, futuristic disco with largely analog instruments that makes our butts want to blast off on the dance floor.

Bardo: Basho

Bardo Basho on Nada Mucho

… Because we love putting on a pair of headphones and washing away in the dark listening to Kirsten Thom’s lovely, atmospheric compositions. Decibel: please book Bardo: Basho this year.

Beatrix Sky

Beatrix Sky on Nada Mucho

Beatrix Sky by Matt Guile of Newspin Photo


… Because she makes immaculately-constructed electronic Indie pop and has a lovely voice with the same kind of gravitas as PJ Harvey or Stevie Nicks.

Ben von Wildenhaus

Ben von Wildenhaus on Nada Mucho

… Because we claim all former members of beloved Estrus Records band Federation X as the region’s own, even when the BandCamp page for their spectacular solo project says “New York, New York.”

Blood Drugs

Seattle band Blood Drugs with a cat on Nada Mucho

Blood Drugs by Matt Koroulis

… Because we love this band’s first song, “Lowest,” which appeared on the 2014 Good To Die Records’ Cha Cha Lounge compilation, and assume that they’ll eventually stop playing hard to get and let us hear a second song. And because they were nice enough to send us a picture of themselves with a cat prior to Capitol Hill Block Party last year.


Cabana @ Capitol Hill Block Party 2014 by Markus Luke

Cabana @ Capitol Hill Block Party 2014 by Markus Luke

… Because these guys crept on to our radar last year with a great set at Big BLDG Fest and just put out an excellent debut album of sunny dream pop.


Charlatan Seattle on Nada Mucho

… Because this artist is gonna set the pace for “dreamy electronic pop with an edge” in 2015, along with Charms.


Charms @ Big BLDG Bash 2014 by Jim Toohey on Nada Mucho

Charms @ Big BLDG Bash 2014 by Jim Toohey

…Because Charms were a pretty fantastic Indie rock band last year and have already re-invented themselves into something noisier an more textured with their new song “Separator.”

Cloud Person

Cloud Person @ The Sunset by Jim Toohey

Cloud Person @ The Sunset by Jim Toohey

…Because, in a city known for churning out excellent folk, alt-country and Americana bands and all derivations thereof, we’re not sure how or why one of the city’s best has managed to float just below the radar. Cloud Person is scheduled to release a new, more rockin’ album in 2015 and hopefully others take note. And also because they do a dive cover of Devo’s “Gut Feeling / Slap Your Baby Down that just slays.”

Crazy Eyes

Crazy Eyes on Nada Mucho

…Because at this point in their career their elaborate piano-driven songs are complimented with fuzzy guitar and feedback. It’s like Quasi with more guitar or how you always wished Ben Folds Five would sound. The two songs on their BandCamp are excellent, which means they will likely get in to a proper studio soon and some asshole producer will smooth out the edges and turn them in to another boring, over-produced crossover Indie rock success. But until then I’m on board.

Detective Agency

Detective Agency on Nada Mucho

…Because they play dead cool jangly guitar rock with boy/girl vocal harmonies and they are totally adorable and I want them to go on tour with the Strokes.

Dirty Dirty

Dirty Dirty Van on Nada Mucho

… Because tons of people we know are excited about their forthcoming debut and because they finally shared one song with us and it’s cool. And because they have a sweet van, as this picture will attest to.


Dreamsalon on Nada Mucho

…Because we totally missed them in 2014 and their song “Animal” is rad. Also because it features former members of The Lights, one of our favorite Seattle bands of all time.

Duke Evers

Duke Evers on Nada Mucho

… Because they sound like amped-up John Cougar Mellencamp with cooler songs, which is OK in our book. And because they seem like they’d drink all our beer and steal our girlfriends, an endearing quality in a young band.

Ever So Android

Ever So Android @ Big Bldg Bash 2014 by Jim Toohey

Ever So Android @ Big Bldg Bash 2014 by Jim Toohey

… Because we like explosive electro rock. And because Hope Simpson sings awesome. And because they are recording with Bill Rieflin and he seems like a good partner.

Fauna Shade

Fauna Shade @ Macefield Music Festival by Jim Toohey

Fauna Shade @ Macefield Music Festival by Jim Toohey

… Because this young Everett band plays just the kind of melodic, guitar-riven Indie rock we grew up with and they hold their own with some of the greats.

Future Shock

Future Shock @ Capitol Hill Block Party 2014 by Gregory Heller

Future Shock @ Capitol Hill Block Party 2014 by Gregory Heller

… Because even though we aren’t sure what Future Shock are doing is good, we know that it’s not like anything else going on in town. And they get big points for wearing those A Clockwork Orange-meets-Eyes Wide Shut style masks. Also, any band that takes time out of their busy day to do a pretty straight cover of Men Without Hat’s “Safety Dance” is worth paying attention to.

Glaciers on the Moon

Glaciers on the Moon on Nada Mucho

… Because, and I’m showing my colors a bit here, I just love their debut 5-song Indie rock EP Make Make.

Goodbye Heart

Goodbye Heart @ Sonic Boom Records During Macefield Music Festival by Sunny Martini

Goodbye Heart @ Sonic Boom Records During Macefield Music Festival by Sunny Martini

… Because their debut EP is like a warm, soft perfect blanket of electro-pop and I listened to it every night for two months last year.

Jaimie Aaron Aux

Jamie Aaron Aux on Nada Mucho photo by Victoria Van Brunuisse

…Because we’ve loved her since H is for Hellgate and we think her new stuff is A for Auxwesome!

The Hoot Hoots

The Hoot Hoots on Nada Mucho

… Because The Hoot Hoots play great fuzzy power pop in the vein of Weezer and the Rentals. And because they organize great things like Big Ass Boom Box.

Hounds of the Wild Hunt

Hounds of the Wild Hunt on Nada Mucho

… Because they write good songs and play amped-up, good-time barroom rock ‘n roll. And because their first recording since their debut EP (2011) is due out this year.

Killer Ghost

Killer Ghost In the Forest Green on Nada Mucho

…Because we will never tire of great bands with a sound and songs deserving of the Nuggets compilations. H/T to Marco Collins on this one.


Lilac on Nada Mucho

… Because her song “Secrets” is totally, totally beautiful. And because the only picture she has on her Facebook artist page is this one of her holding a snake.

Low Hums

Low Hums @ Big BLDG Bash 2014 by Jim Toohey

Low Hums @ Big BLDG Bash 2014 by Jim Toohey

… Because they make dusty Indie rock with a stoner vibe, have a great band name and were a highlight of last year’s Big BLDG Bash

Marmot vs. Mammoth

Marmot v Mammoth on Nada Mucho

…Because when I saw this band a few years ago they had kind of a prog-rocky type deal and now they got Michael Serpe out front and he’s doing like an evil punk Faith No More Black Flag Jesus Lizard thing. Most Improved.

Park Terrace

Park Terrace on Nada Mucho

… Because, according to esteemed local music curator Chris Estey, Park Terrace are “a mysterious duo that plays an orchestrated song cycle about the building after that name with connections in both the punk world and the classical. Next level adult music.” And he’s right. And because the notion that they are a “mysterious duo” suckered us right in immediately. Because we are gullible. #NextLevelAOR

Patrick Galactic

Patrick Galactic @ Skylark Cafe during Metalween by Tori Dickson

Patrick Galactic @ The Skylark Cafe during Metalween by Tori Dickson

…Because he just started hanging out with TBASA playing cool songs and doing cool stuff like Grit Rock. Also because ALL HAIL #Metalween.

Pig Snout

Pig Snout on Nada Mucho

… Because it’s a joy watching this family make music together and because their song “The Tar Trap” is legitimately awesome. You don’t even need to tag on “for a couple of kids.” It’s just a great song with a huge chorus that gives me the same feeling as Polyphonic Spree at their best.


Pukesnake on Nada Mucho

…Because any band called “Pukesnake” deserves to be paid attention to. And because their album is called Escape from Barf Island. Seriously you guys, this is why the Internet was invented. They even had the good sense to start their only YouTube video with a cat.

Ricky and Mark

Ricky & Mark @ Capitol Hill Block Party 2014 by Jim Toohey

Ricky & Mark @ Capitol Hill Block Party 2014 by Jim Toohey

…Because these cats haven’t even put out a full album yet and they already wrote one of our favorite Seattle hip-hop songs ever. Also because they are fantastic performers, pulling off the “live guitar and instrumentation mixed with MCs and samples” thing better than most.


Screens @ Barboza by Sunny Martini on Nada Mucho

Screens @ Barboza by Sunny Martini

… Because these guys make lovely, space-age bachelor pad music with a drummer who can sing like Prince. And because their Mulholland Drive parody is the greatest DIY show preview I’ve ever seen. Also, some of us have been listening to their song “Machine” up to 25 times a day. So there’s that.

Spencer Carlson

Spencer Carlson @ Benbow Room during #TBLFAS by Jim Toohey

Spencer Carlson @ Benbow Room during #TBLFAS by Jim Toohey

… Because at any second he could be Nick Drake or Jeff Buckley or Elliott Smith.

The Spider Ferns

The Spider Ferns on Nada Mucho

The Spider Ferns by Jim Toohey

… Because this husband and wife duo make elegant electronic compositions with addictive vocals in their barn in the middle of nowhere. It’s somehow earthy and organic while remaining decidedly electronic, a musical anomaly I adore. (Full disclosure, I like this band so much I became their publicist.)

Stereo Creeps

Stereo Creeps on Nada Mucho

… Mostly because they sent me their excellent (and expertly-named) rock ‘n roll record Cave Dwellers of Tomorrow on vinyl.

Stiff Spirit

Stiff Spirit on Nada Mucho

… Because their 2014 record Just Say Ya Hate It is 11 songs of noisy, grizzled rock ‘n roll that mirrors the emotional power of the references on its Facebook band page: “”Clash, Dead Kennedys (sic), Nirvana, Stones, G-n-R, White Stripes.” And because head Spirit Jason James has a new band together and we want to see if he can pull it off live.


Jordan and TBASA at the Benbow Room during #TBLFAS by Jim Toohey

Jordan and TBASA at the Benbow Room during #TBLFAS by Jim Toohey

… Because we claimed him in 2004 and have been riding his coattails ever since.

The No Good Hearts

The No Good Hearts on Nada Mucho

… Because these dudes operate at the direct center of our Indie rock wheelhouse, recalling 90s greats like Archers of Loaf and Modest Mouse. And also because they picked a fantastic band name. I still can’t believe it wasn’t already taken.

Tinfoil and Tape

Tinfoil and Tape on Nada Mucho

… Because we hate it when bands tell us their music “recalls 2000s-era Radiohead.” It never does. Conversely, Tinfoil and Tape did NOT tell us they sound like Radiohead, but the lovely “Echo Talk” on their BandCamp page kind of does. And because we can’t wait to see them live. 


Wes Speight

Wes Speight @ Benbow Room during #TBLFAS by John Sanders

Wes Speight @ Benbow Room during #TBLFAS by John Sanders

…Because Wes put out a great album in 2014, a lovely EP in January 2015 and has another full length due later this year. He’s also working on a series of covers this year for the Throw Back Thursday’s series, which should be great fun. (Wes: I suggest “Female Jesus” by Jack Logan. Let me know if you’ll do it.) And also because he makes cool videos.

Wind Burial

Wind Burial by Lord Photog on Nada Mucho

Wind Burial by Lord Photog

Because their new album We Used To Be Hunters is chock full of gorgeous, organic desert-psych rock.

(Lead image by Kelly Fleek. Aaron Semer, Jim Toohey, Kelly Fleek and Tim Basaraba contributed to this article.) 

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51 thoughts on “41 Seattle Bands We’re Watching in 2015

  1. Tim Basaraba says:

    Sunken Rocketship’s omission is a tragedy!
    Fuck you Nadamucho! You big jerks!
    Video link: Sunken Rocketship 3/3/15 The Sunset (Seattle)

  2. Ali says:

    I was disappointed to not see Dark Hip Falls on here. Check me out! I was very happy to see the recognition of the Hoot Hoots; can’t help but love those guys.

  3. CJ says:

    You missed Tiny Messengers; latest project from Kimo Muraki 🙂

    But darn good job tagging Wes Speight!

      1. CJ says:

        Kimo is a gift to the world of music. That eye will have to be looking up pretty soon methinks! 🙂

  4. Moose says:

    Yes, check out Tiny Messengers! Everything Kimo does is brilliant. Hoping you have Cascadia ’10 on your list next year. Afro-Funk that rawwwwks!

  5. Pig Snout!! says:

    I would add Bellingham’s Wild Throne to this list for daaayyyum sure!!

    1. Jenn Stenson says:

      I saw a band called Ms Howl at Boombox at the Croc!!!! Check them out, they should be on this list with the Soft Blows.

    2. Alexandra says:

      Im gonna put Gliceryn up for this list saw them at el co last month and they killed

  6. Jremyr says:

    Ummm… Ayo Dot and the uppercuts?

  7. We should have a contest of who can do the most bands in one article. Great list BTW!!!

    1. Thank sounded weird. We need an editor or we need to stay off the internet.

  8. Jim toohey says:

    Silly nada editor, you are suppose to listen to me. I am your elder. “DIonvox” I said it before and will say it again; “DIonvox” will blow the doors open when they release their next album this year. I think, maybe, or could be, but I am sticking with that.

  9. Jim says:

    FCON need to be on the list

  10. alexi angelino says:

    Dionvox is my favorite Seattle band. I have never known people who have worked so hard. Their performances are mystifying. Dionvox: Dionvox: .Ramona Freeborn, front woman for Dionvox is a superstar…she also stars in the movie Ghostlight; by Jeff Ferrell : Please take a moment to check them out.

  11. Thanks everyone for your comments. We will be sure to check out these new suggestions. Feel free to post links to songs or videos you really like to help us get the best introduction to these bands.

    – Ayo Dot
    – Cascadia ’10
    – Dark Hip Falls
    – Dionvox
    – Drunken Rocketship
    – FCON
    – The Uppercuts
    – Tiny Messengers

    1. CJ says:

      Tiny Messengers: on their way to the freakin’ TOP!

      Face This Disaster

      Raindrops live at the Copper Gate

  12. Over on the Twitter (@nadamucho) three people have recommended Powers as well.

  13. Erin Bednarz says:

    Hearts Are Thugs!
    Playing tomorrow night with Dirty Dirty at Rendezvous — for Black Giraffe’s LP release.

    Video link:

  14. Congrats to #41for2015 bands Cabana, The Hoot Hoots, The Spider Ferns, Cloud Person, Low Hums, Charms, Crazy Eyes and Airport for getting booked on the 2015 Big BLDG Bash lineup.

  15. A band called great Grandcamp saw this post and are playing Big BLDG Bash and asked us to check them out so we are

  16. Tai says:

    You missed Purr Gato!!
    Great electronica band who has played with a majority of these guys.
    Video link: Purr Gato – Heartbeat (Official Video)

  17. Hearts are Thugs got like a sleater kinney vocal thing but with different instruments

  18. ChrisB says:

    You gotta check out Devils hunt me down!!!

    Cascadian dirt Rock at it’s finest!
    Video link: Devils Hunt Me Down – Texasaurus (DEBUT VIDEO!)

  19. TBASA says:

    Damn this Ep from Dead End Friend needs to be on this list. Nadamucho you done fucked up again.
    Epic collab with Maiah Manser on track 3

  20. Mind Vice: “What about Mind Vice?”
    Nadamucho: “What ABOUT Mind Vice hahaha!”

    Video Link: Smackey the Frog – Mind Vice (WSRP 7.25.15)

  21. Chris Brownell says:

    I wish you would have included the band Moments.

  22. Indranil Ganguly says:

    And check out Fellowcraft! contact:

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