Another Handy Recap for #NadaFest 2016, This One for Night 2
NadaFest 2016 Night 2
Oct. 22 @ Substation
Seattle, Washington
By Matt Ashworth
Saturday, Oct. 22 was my favorite night of #NadaFest 2016, partially because there was the highest concentration of interesting people to talk to inside Substation, partly because it was my birthday, and mostly because we heard eight great sets from eight great Seattle artists. Here’s a quick recap with videos and images from the evening.
Cloud Person
Cloud Person opened things up with a loud, full sound of country-tinged rock including songs from their 2016 album Apparatus, which we previewed earlier in the year. Tim got a video.
Virgin of the Birds
Virgin of the Birds are exactly the smart, literate indie pop masters I want them to be. The kind John Peel would have loved. Tim got a video. Jess did an interview.
Patrick Galactic
Similar to Wild Powwers, who played #NadaFest Friday night, Patrick Galactic gets better and better every time we see him perform. The singer/songwriter put on another breathtaking set in the Substation back room with Justin Pascua on drums and Brenden Smith on violin. Tim got a video.
Patrick’s new EP Running From the Sun is just out. The celebration is November 17 at the Sunset with A Breakthrough in Field Studies and Among Authors.
Another personal highlight from #NadaFest 2016, Versing calmly delivered 30 minutes of angular Indie rock to a packed main room. Pavement feels like the most recognizable reference point for the uninitiated, but these young dudes are too good to be reduced to a 90s throwback. Look for them to evolve their sound beyond these lazy comparisons on their second album, the follow up to their excellent 2016 debut Nude Descending. Tim got a video.
Wes Sp8 @ the Apollo Proxy
Wes Sp8 was one of two #NadaFest 2016 acts that seemed to be summoning southern demons during their set. (I will tell you about the other one in my night three recap.) The room was too packed for me to get in until the third song, but Wes’ voice sounded terrific, as did his band The Apollo Proxy.
Snuff Redux
Snuff Redux were sloppy but great. Afterwards I think the singer told me he lives in Fremont but had never been to Ballard before, which seemed kind of odd, but Jon from Virgin of the Birds doesn’t seem like an excitable guy and he said “holy shit these guys are great,” so the band must be on to something. Great songs. Great energy. Tim got a video, so you can decide for yourselves.
Killer Ghost
Killer Ghost play psychedelic garage rock and I love them very, very much. Tim got a video.
BA the Scribe
Tacoma hip-hop trio BA the Scribe, Waffles, and Yodi Mac announced their new project together, Kid Yoshi, during their interview with before a high energy set. Tim shot a video. Jess did an interview.
When you watch Donormaal perform, you get the sense you are witnessing something very personal and unique… like she’s not trying to make hip-hop records; the music that comes out of her just happens to most closely resemble hip-hop because it’s part of the language of who she is. We’re definitely not the only ones paying attention: Seattle Weekly gushed about Donormaal’s debut 2015 LP and, since we published the #41for2016 list, she has played Capitol Hill Block Party and Bumbershoot. At#NadaFest, Donormaal (real name Christianne Karefa-Johnson) performed two songs with her life partner (and our MC for the weekend) Raven Matthews that were especially transcendent. Tim got some video.
Jim Toohey and Marcus Klotz shot photos.
For more photos from #NadaFest 2016 night two, click the poster image below.