Nada Mucho

Hobosexual II: You’ll Be “More Badass” For Listening To It

Posted by November 21st, 2013 No Comments »

Hobosexual – Hobosexual II

By Adrienne Pollock 

Pure rock and roll—Hobosexual plays, nay exudes, pure rock and roll. And their new album, Hobosexual II, is just that.

I had no idea when I first met Ben Harwood (guitar and vocals) and Jeff Silva (drums) that I’d stumbled upon some of Seattle’s most talented rock musicians. My band practices at the same space, and we briefly chatted once in the parking lot as we all crossed paths. Over the next few weeks and months, I’d catch short aural glimpses of Hobosexual practice, rocking out to their sweet jams as we walked outside to take a break. Later on, I ended up getting to jump in on two songs at a show–a PACKED show. Hobosexual sure brings a crowd, and everyone digs it.

Hobosexual playing at Easy Street Records in West Seattle for their  Hobosexual II Vinyl LP Release on October 25, 2013. Photo by Casey Cosley.

Hobosexual plays live at Easy Street Records in West Seattle for their Hobosexual II Vinyl LP Release on October 25, 2013. Photo by Casey Cosley.

Not only does everyone dig the live show, but also the newest release: Hobosexual sells exclusively at Easy Street, and for the first few weeks, Easy Street kept selling out.

So what’s all the hype? Is it good? Will it rock you out of your chair?

Yes. Absolutely yes.

According to Ben’s interview with Jason Josephes for Line Out at The Stranger, Hobosexual II is a concept album, recalling a time in the past when we lived without constant, streaming information and technology sapping all the mystery and intrigue from life.

The record opens with “Switchblade Suburbia,” a driving homage to teenage life in the 1980s. Ben’s layered vocals over Jeff’s solid beat spring you into the album, with a killer guitar solo to really get you in the mood.

And then “The Black Camaro Death” just might groove your pants right off. The harmonized chorus hums in your ear like your desire for that smooth lookin’ guy who just walked in the bar, carrying his guitar case with tattooed hand, clad in leather, eyeing you from across the room. Ben really opens up half way through, belting lyrics that paint a scene of corporate America taking over our lives, the end of which bleeds into one last clothes-melting chorus.

And then comes “Squish It!” This song is so completely different from the previous; it’s a loud, chaotic, fast-paced song, the second half bridging into a pseudo-political rant. But really, quite a clear message: you can’t charge us for everything. Love is free.

Those are a few of my favorites, along with “Sex Destroyer,” which opens with a beautifully gnarly guitar solo propelling you into a tune that – music and lyrics – will make you feel the sexual angst of all boys.

“The Creep” plays on a similar groove as “The Black Camaro Death,” but with an eerie sound to fit the lyrics, and Jeff plays the perfect beat to fit the mood.

But really, all the songs are worthy of your attention. I assure you. Hobosexual continues to excel at making down right fantabulous music. As my friend would say, “the new record is like a tangled mess of cohesive sounds, the kind of music that ensures that you, yes you, are a liiiiittle more badass for just listening to it.” – (7.5/10)

But don’t take my word for it. Buy Hobosexual II at Easy Street, or check them out this Friday, Nov. 22, at The Tractor in Seattle.

In addition to contributing to, Adrienne writes about shows, bands and music on her blog, Reaching Notoriety.

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