Musicfest NW 2012: Recap What Just Happened?
Musicfest NW
September 5-9
Portland, Oregon
Day 1 Recap
By Dan Lurie
It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m coiled up in an oversized recliner watching football and infomercials with no intention of moving any time soon. This is how the recovery process begins after four straight days of music, revelry, adult beverages and moments.
Day 1 – Wednesday, September 5
My Musicfest NW romp began Wednesday night when the loving wife and I strolled down to Green Drop Garage for a free kickoff party boasting beer, sandwiches and a “surprise headliner.” We arrived at the auto shop just in time to see opening act The Last Bison setting up in front of the motor oil rack.
Looking like they just stepped out of the shire, the group played barefoot on the grease-soaked cement wearing matching vests, suspenders and cuffed pantaloons. The mop-topped mandolin player took this misplaced wardrobe one step further by sporting the same billowy pirate shirt made famous in Seinfeld. I was happy to see the shirt in person but unmoved by their take on the trending sounds of faux Appalachia.
Next up in the garage was the not-so-secret headliner Kishi Bashi. The violin-toting crooner delighted the crowd with a deft combination of vocal looping, beat boxing, virtuoso fiddle playin’ and his own fashion statement: the three piece designer suit with oversized bowtie.