Twink the Wonderkid: Gratuitous Profanity and Punk Rock Antics
Twink the Wonderkid
By Julia Eaton, the cranky ex-punk housewife
After getting over my disgust from the lyrics of Twink the Wonderkid’s song “41 Years Old,” (Ever try to share a bottle wine with a seventeen year old?/ She feels like my daughter, I feel like her father.”) I had to admit they play pretty good pop/punk. They remind me a bit of Dead Milkmen; their music is well performed, catchy, and not to be taken seriously.
Frustrated young musicians will enjoy the lyrics of “Mowin’ Down the Critics,” (“Yeah, I know you like the sound of the Stooges/ Yeah, I know, you like the Hard Charge and MC5/ Guys like you ruin it for guys like me.”) And teenagers in most any scene all have a person they think of when hearing “What makes Judy weird?/ What makes Judy weird?”
If you’re a lyrics person, you will be sadly disappointed by Twink, unless you like lyrics that sound like they were written by a suburban teenager with a chip on his shoulder after a couple bowls of pot. Regardless, Twink’s music is good old fashioned rock n’ roll and they deserve to get some play. Their live show is where they really show their talent. Their show at the Sunset in August took me back to my old ’80’s punk days. It was a ton of fun with lots of gratuitous profanity, a painfully long, yet oddly satisfying, drum solo, and much punk rock antics. It did help that the Sunset’s sound system sucked so bad that I couldn’t understand the lyrics.