Best Of 2014: 18 Photos We Love That We Also Took
As we looked back at the Year Of Our Lord Two Thousand And Fourteen, we felt compelled to package our year’s worth of picture-taking at local venues and festivals. From Timbrrr! to Tacoma to TBASA to the re-opening of the historic Comet Tavern to Mo-Wave to Big BLDG to GBV in PDX to our discussion on music and technology through three great days at CHBP to Tag 2.0 to NWFM to Bumbershoot to Decibel to Macefield to #Metalween to Band in Seattle to dozens of other great local shows, we kept current on the local music scene through the lenses of Jim Toohey, Sunny Martini, Dan Lurie, Gregory Heller, Markus Luke, Tim Basaraba, Rachel Cotton, Tori Dickson and Sydney Root. Here are 15 of our favorite photos from the year.
To see another 284 shots that we really liked, check out the “Our Year In Review 2014″ album on Flickr.
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- Best of 2014: 9 More Great Seattle Records
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- Best of 2014: 18 Super Good Television Programs
- Best of 2014: Marco Collins’ Top 35 Seattle Records
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- Best of 2014: Dear Hardly Art, S.W.A.K.
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