Red Lehman on How to Make a Back to School Mixed Tape
Greg Lehman – Ah yes, the fall, which means back to school for many of us. You’ve got your books, your scientific calculator, pens, pencils and folders, but what about your music?
Greg Lehman – Ah yes, the fall, which means back to school for many of us. You’ve got your books, your scientific calculator, pens, pencils and folders, but what about your music?
Dan Lurie – Fantasies can come in all shapes and sizes, and in some cases, ages. While young men across this great nation might claim that Kathy Ireland was their first obsession, they would be lying. Everyone knows that, when it comes to cream dreams for Generation X’ers, the ultimate provider was none other than Rue McClanahan, a.k.a. Blanche Devereaux, a.k.a. the Golden Girl who mounted more men than Evel Kenievel mounted motorbikes.
Joe Vallejos – In honor of our recent live review of The Damned, we dug back through our microfiche archives to dust off this Classic Nada interview … – Ed.
Chris Klepac – An odd thing is happening in singles bars around the nation – an army of ridiculously overdressed, formerly hapless Internet geeks, Dungeons and Dragons aficionados, and assorted other misfits is descending on Ladies’ Nights and Happy Hours everywhere, armed with pre-scripted pickup routines and hokey magic tricks, and they are scoring.
Dan Lurie – Fantasies can come in all shapes and sizes, and in some cases, ages. While young men across this great nation might claim that Kathy Ireland was their first obsession, they would be lying. Everyone knows that, when it comes to cream dreams for Generation X’ers, the ultimate provider was none other than Rue McClanahan, a.k.a. Blanche Devereaux, a.k.a. the Golden Girl who mounted more men than Evel Kenievel mounted motorbikes.