IPO Seattle 2011: Day 2 Band Reviews & Videos
International Pop Overthrow
August 24-27 @ The Mix
Here’s continued coverage of the International Pop Overvthrow (IPO) festival that came through Seattle last weekend at The Mix.
Day 2: Thursday, August 25th
Aaron Mannino (Seattle, WA) – C
Solid musicianship on multiple instruments. Good solo artist. Could of done without the “This song is from my second album and blah, blah, blah between each song." Less talk, more pop Aaron!
The Outcome (Seattle, WA) – C
The guys have potential, but their execution was sloppy. I assume these songs
would be better served in a coffee house, performed solo by the singer
Copper Kings (Seattle, WA)
– C-
Kinda “frat rock” disguised as pop. Not bad, but nowhere near
Lund Bros. (Tacoma, WA) – D
The cool thing about the Lund Brothers is that all the band members are brothers. The uncool
thing is that now all three brothers will want to beat me up, because I
thought their sound was forced and academic at best.
Gumshen (Seattle, WA) – B
Powerful instrumentation, catchy lyrics and an oddly dynamic stage
presence. Note to band, though: promoting an upcoming “gig” while on stage is
almost as tacky as loading in equipment while another band is
Horace Pickett (Seattle, WA) – B+
Not just crazy, but crazy good. Unorthodox drum beats and
timing separate Horace Picket from most other Seattle bands. Their insane
flamboyance culminated in a tambourine-wielding meltdown that I will not
soon forget. Curse my phone battery for preventing me from documenting this.
More on IPO Seattle 2011:
Editor’s note: Please send hate mail directly to timbasaraba@gmail.com. Praise can go to info@nadamucho.com.