Nada Mucho

Lazy Comet: Idaho Transplants with OCD, No Bass Guitar

Posted by May 13th, 2004 No Comments » Interview – Lazy Comet
Q & A with TBASA and Matt Stegner
Interview by Matt Ashworth

Like many of my favorite bands (Sonic Youth, Pavement, The Pixies), Lazy Comet play loud, distorted guitar-based rock n’ roll.

On the heels of two criminally-underattended Monday night shows at The Rendezvous, the band is giving Nada readers a chance to redeem themselves this Sunday at the Sunset Tavern. In preparation of the show, I spoke with the Idaho transplants about stars, comets and Dokken. Who the hell are Lazy Comet?

T Basa: Lazy Comet are Geno, T Basa and Matt Stegner. Geno is cutting trees down right now so these gripping questions will only be answered by two of the three band members.

Matt Stegner: That’s a good question. Who the hell are Lazy Comet?

T Basa: Basically, we’re just a couple good ol’ boys from Idaho tryin’ to make their way in the Big City.

NM: Why should anyone listen to your music?

TB: I’m really not sure if they should, but if they decide to, it will make me feel warm inside.

MS: Go ahead and listen to it, but come see us live ’cause we’re really entertaining live.

NM: Speaking of your live show, you’re playing our Hangover Helper series this Sunday (May 16th) at the Sunset Tavern. What can folks expect?

TB: No bass guitar.

MS: It’ll be loud, but we’ll be making half of it up anyway. Requests are always good too.

NM: Can I go ahead and request “We Don’t Have to Take Our Clothes Off” by Jermaine Stewart, then? Cause I totally love that song.

TB: Request away, but we all know being naked and having a good time go hand in hand.

NM: With a name like Lazy Comet, it sounds like maybe you guys were the kind of dorks who spent high school gazing at the stars and going to Science Club meetings. Any validity to this theory?

TB: Actually the name is more like a S.A.T question “Eric’s Trip is to Sonic Youth as Lazy Comet is to____________?

MS: Polvo…Naw, I’m the only science dork. I love that shit.

NM: List at least five sonic reference points.

TB: By reference points I assume you mean bands that I like? I’ll go one further and tell you who I compare myself to in each band, because it’s all about me. Enon (I’m Toko!), Polvo (I’m Ash!), the Pixies (I’m Frank!), Oingo Boingo (I’m Danny) and Sonic Youth (I’m Thurston).

MS: I grew up in the early nineties – what do you think I listened to? Everything that everybody else listened to, except all the Idaho and Pullman bands as well.

NM: So you mean Bon Jovi, Boys II Men, Garth Brooks and stuff like that then?

MS: Of course. You forgot Dokken though.

Lazy Comet on

Lazy Comet

NM: You don’t have a website. As Internet dorks, this frightens us. Is there one in the works?

TB: We have a temporary one. Its one of those free-hosting, piece-of-shit sites so it poses some questions about the band’s level of professionalism.

MS: Yeah, very professional. Tim does it in his spare time. We’re lookin’ if somebody wants to design one for us. There’s no pay, but we’ll buy you some beer.

NM: We might have just the guy. How much beer are we talking about here?

TB: Ask him if he prefers two Duece Duece’s or one forty ounce.

NM: Seattle has a lot of great bands. Name a few of your favorites.

TB: When I came here in ’97 the bands I would see weren’t necessarily local but now that we are playing more often I have to show up and pretend to like bands like the Lights, The Valley, Kinski, and Pleaseasaur.

MS: THE LIGHTS ROCK!!! I saw IQU accidentally at Neumos and it blew my freakin’ mind. It was so cool.

TB: Oh yeah, I used to love No. 13 Baby but now that the Pixies are back together who cares about them? They’re just riding Jason Finn’s coattails.

NM: Name a few local bands who suck ass.

TB: First and foremost Lazy Comet sucks, and those guys in the Makers really annoy me.

MS: No really, you should see us live.

NM: What else would you like to tell the readership?

MS: At first I got on this email mailing list for, then I went and checked out their website, and it’s really cool. It’s cool to see somebody doing this on a local level. You should go there. Oh wait, you already are. Give them money.

TB: I have been diagnosed as Obsessive Compulsive.

NM: No shit? So have the majority of our staff. Among our regular contributors you can find folks medicated with the following: Prozac, Paxil, Effexor and several other of your Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. Do you ever repeat song lyrics backwards or chew your fingernails down to bloody nubs by any chance?

TB: The nail thing for sure, but my OCD usually manifests it self in some kick ass multi-tasking. Like right now I’m not only talking to you, I’m also watching Wild at Heart on DVD, giving my lady a foot rub, listening to Zaireeka on four different CD players, and last but not least eating a Nutella Sandwich.

Visit Lazy Comet’s website. 

Update: The below video is from the Sunset Tavern show referenced in this interview. Added January 16, 2014.

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