Nada Mucho

Introducing Noise for the Needy

Posted by June 4th, 2007 No Comments »

noiselogo_thumbI first met Noise for the Needy co-founder Rich Green in 2005. Our mutual friend, Music Editor Adam Lawrence, recognized our shared passion for music and community and set us up on a blind date.

Rich quickly hipped me to the organization’s mission: organize live music events to the benefit of small, worthy non-profit organizations. Sold.

Noise for the Needy actually has quite a history. Rich and his brother David founded NFTN in the early 90s and organized several successful events in Southern California. Now, they are looking to duplicate that success in Seattle.

After a year of working with on a few one-off events to moderate success, one thing became clear: NFTN would not be deterred by the enormous challenges facing a non-profit organization trying to make their mark in the local music scene.

noiselogoI first met Noise for the Needy co-founder Rich Green in 2005. Our mutual friend, Music Editor Adam Lawrence, recognized our shared passion for music and community and set us up on a blind date.

Rich quickly hipped me to the organization’s mission: organize live music events to the benefit of small, worthy non-profit organizations. Sold.

Noise for the Needy actually has quite a history. Rich and his brother David founded NFTN in the early 90s and organized several successful events in Southern California. Now, they are looking to duplicate that success in Seattle.

After a year of working with on a few one-off events to moderate success, one thing became clear: NFTN would not be deterred by the enormous challenges facing a non-profit organization trying to make their mark in the local music scene.

The group’s hard work is set to finally pay off this year. They’ve convinced local media and tastemakers to take notice (most notably KEXP, who has been incredibly supportive this time around), timed the festival so that it has less competition from more tenured Seattle events like the Capitol Hill Block Party, Folklife and Bumbershoot, and assembled a hip, diverse lineup that extends beyond the Pacific Northwest.

The number one reason to check out Noise for the Needy this year is Rise ‘n Shine, the local nonprofit that stands to benefit from NFTN’s perseverance. The group provides education and emotional support for teens impacted by AIDS. Reasons 2-10 follow:

okkervilleriver 2) The Handsome Family
One of the 20 best bands in the world right now. An absolute coup for the NFTN booking crew.

3) Okkervil River (pictured)

4) Grayskul
Blue Scholars and Common Market deservedly get a lot of attention, but Grayskul put out what may be the best Seattle hip-hop album ever with 2005’s Deadlivers.

5) The Lights

6) The Whore Moans
Our favorite local band to emerge in the last couple years, The Whore Moans play straight-ahead punk rock rooted in equal parts Stooges, Pistols, Cheap Trick and Murder City Devils.

7) Optimus Rhyme

8) Tall Birds
Former Catheters kids are all grown up and tempering their Stooges influences with more complex, melodic elements and influences as Tall Birds, without straying too far from their original recipe of blistering guitar riffs and howling vocals.

9) Blue Light Curtain

10) Kissing Potion
Because Seattle has always needed a 9 member funk cover band.


Noise for the Needy kicks off Wednesday, June 6 with the Handsome Family, Rosyvelt and The Maldives at the Tractor Tavern in Ballard. For a complete lineup, visit

In celebration of’s 10 year anniversary this March, Matt Ashworth changed his title from "Supreme Overlord" to "High Potentate."

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