Photo Set: Cherry Glazerr @ The Crocodile
Cherry Glazerr Live @ The Crocodile
February 8, 2017
Words and Photos by Travis Trautt
I got to shoot Cherry Glazerr last year during the Desert Daze music festival in Joshua Tree, Calif. and liked what I heard, so I was excited to check them out again when they came through Seattle last month.
This is definitely a young band with their best stays still ahead of them, but the L.A. group already has something good going on. High-energy punk rock with heavy riffs combined with Blondie/Go-Gos type pop sensibilities, to be specific. Frontwoman Clementine Creevy is a total rocker too, complete with the defiant attitude often associated with young punks. She even smoked a cigarette on stage at the Crocodile.
See more of Travis’ pictures of Cherry Glazerr on our Flickr page.