Nada Mucho

Preview: My Brightest Diamond @ The Tractor

Posted by February 20th, 2019 No Comments »

My Brightest Diamond @ The Tractor Tavern
February 23, 2019 in Seattle w/Ian Chang
By Julia Olson

My very favorite video on the internet belongs to My Brightest Diamond singer Shara Nova. One of many excellent videos created for Youtube series A Take Away Show, this particular one features Shara singing the sweetest of love songs and playing through a tiny amp in a Berlin cafe. Better than any scripted music video, genuine and unrehearsed passion radiates from Nova and her bandmates as they laugh and wipe away tears at the completion of the series’ take on the track “I Have Never Loved Someone.”

While this A Take Away Show performance may have initially got me interested in Nova’s work, she certainly offers plenty of material to keep me curious and intrigued. Over the years, she’s been part of many projects, seemingly popping in and out of projects whenever something pique’s the singer/composer/dancer’s interest.

Since first releasing music under the My Brightest Diamond moniker in 2006, Nova has been busy dancing and collaborating with a slew of artist friends, from playing a part in Sufjan Stevens’ Illinoisemakers live ensemble to working with drum group So Percussion.

Shara performing with So Percussion at the Eaux Claires Music Festival, photo by Julia Olson
Shara performing with So Percussion at the Eaux Claires Music Festival, photo by Julia Olson

In her work as My Brightest Diamond, one can see quite a range in skills, interests and passions as well. On the latest release, A Million and One, it’s clear that Nova’s many pursuits have been thoughtfully meshed together into one succinct and cohesive whole.

Percussion is a clear muse on opener “It’s me on the Dance Floor” to get the track and album moving, moving. As the album progresses, Nova introduces more synth to slow things down a bit, with everything staying together with a steady beat rooted in rhythm and movement.

Another favorite track from A Million and One is dance-able album-closer “White Noise,” which releases the energy that’s slowly been building up throughout the album.

Other tracks from Nova’s catalogue to check out include“Pressure,” off 2014’s This Is My Hand, and “Be Brave” from 2011’s All Things Will Unwind.

Live, My Brightest Diamond elicits all the movement and dancing one would expect from an artist with Nova’s percussive pedigree, so be ready to move around a bit if you join me at the Tractor on Saturday.

My Brightest Diamond performs this Saturday, Feb. 23 at the Tractor Tavern with Ian Chang, who is an electronic music producer/drummer out of Brooklyn, New York. Tickets are $18.

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