Seattle: Super Sexy Sunday Songwriters NEED YOU
Patrick Galactic’s Lo-Fi All Stars
With Wes Sp8, Champagne Honeybee & Andy Ayers (Black Giraffe)
Sunday, Nov. 4, 2018 @ The High Dive
Seattle, Wash
Dear Songwriters of the Seattle Music Community,
I’m a HUGE fan of Patrick Galactic’s Lo-Fi All Stars shows on the first Sunday of EVERY month at the High Dive!
Another thing you should know is that I am definitely NOT Patrick Galactic writing this as a means to promote my…I mean his….goddamn it.
Fuck it.
Hi friends,
It’s Patrick Galactic and I need all my songwriter friends and their songwriter friends to show up this Sunday at High Dive in Fremont. I host, carefully curate and present this series on the first Sunday of every month at the aforementioned High Dive. This Sunday, I am proud to welcome Wes Sp8, Champagne Honeybee and Andy Ayers from Black Giraffe.
This is not an open mic. No 12 year-olds doing bullshit covers of “Under the Bridge” or goddamn “Hallelujah.”
This is a vibe-heavy, intimate experience for top notch songwriters to share their songs, tell stories and give people a chance to hear your music in a different way. Blazinspace provides beautiful, moody visuals during the performances and helps people fully immerse themselves in each set.
It’s really fucking cool. Once you experience it, you’ll want to do it again.
Real talk: we have put on four of these great shows to way too few people. Clubs need people to show up to keep putting on gigs like this. If you want this night to survive and thrive (because The High Dive and I do), we need you to show up and support your community.
This whole experience is intended to give singer-songwriters their own way to be challenged, celebrated and recognized. There are far too few options for this community when it comes to club shows and this is my attempt to provide at least one more.
So when you wake up, eat a lot of protein, get some basic exercise, and drink lots of water so you’ll have a shitload of energy. Then get your ass (and your friends’ asses) to High Dive at 8 p.m. and see (and hear) for yourself.
And remember: No “Under the Bridge.” Ever.
– Patrick Galactic
Editor’s note: Here are some photos from past Patrick Galactic’s Lo-Fi All Stars