The Soft Hills Are Coming Down to the Sunset
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The Soft Hills Live @ The Sunset
May 2, 2012
By Derek York
I received an advance copy of The Soft Hills new album The Bird Is Coming Down To Earth and was instantly struck by the beauty and rolling groove of their sound.
They have gorgeous vocal harmonies that hearken to fellow Seattleites Fleet Foxes, yet their sound remains their own. Speaking metaphorically, the talented four piece band mixes airy morning dew with bright midday warmth that gives way to sonic afternoon showers throughout this album, which they recorded with producer Matt Brown (Trespassers William, Memphis, Lucinda Williams).
In fact, “Soft Hills” may actually be the best way to describe the feel of their music, as they take you up and down a rich musical landscape.
I made sure to make it to The Sunset Tavern for their CD release show in March. The turnout was great and so was the show.
I was totally shocked by how well the band was able to recreate the deepness of sound found on the album in a live setting. Songs like “Tidal Waves” and “Purple Moon” which have quiet intensity that is allowed to evolve organically into crescendos of rich instrumentation highlighted again by the lush vocals, were even better live. The full house was swaying with each anthem and in hushed fixation for the delicate turns all night.
The Soft Hills will be producing more of their magic May 2 at the Sunset before heading out on a European tour. More info & songs at www.thesofthills.com.