Nada Mucho

Under the Gaydar: Live Music @ The Wild Rose

Posted by December 20th, 2007 No Comments »

Alive & Kicking: Panda & Angel / The Hungry Pines
Live @ The Wildrose
November 23, 2007
By Mothrock

As I emerge from my tryptophan daze, I realize that it’s Friday night. Yes!

This Friday night would be spent in the love den of lesbian Seattle, the Wildrose. I’ve seen a surprising amount of good shows on the floor level stage of this Capital Hill bar. The drums don’t get mic’d and it’s ALWAYS packed up in this joint. The house party aesthetics lend themselves well to feel of the show, plus… lesbians dance!

First up is a band everyone should keep their eyes and.. er.. ears peeled for: Hungry Pines. Their first song was so totally awesome: fiery, punchy and riddled with fist pumping changes. This band rocked my ass so much, and Irene Barber’s lead vocals were the delicious icing on this perfect power pop cake of amazing sweetness. Their rhythm section is also one of the best I’ve seen in Seattle. I’ve found that the smaller the set, the better the beats, and this was soooooo the case with the Hungry Pines’ Lucas Carlyle. I know for a fact that amazing things will happen for this band once their album is released (it is being mixed and mastered right now).

Second and last on the roster was Panda and Angel. I hadn’t seen them in a while, and was surprised that their line-up had completely changed. Powered now by Kellie Murphy (from Touchdown Eagle) on the drums and new keyboard player Natalie Lamberjack, this great band hit me with a pleasing sonic swell from the moment they started playing. They are writing new material, which they debuted at this show alongside some of Carrie Murphy’s hits from other bands she’s been in (hell, she wrote ’em.. why not?). It was so awesome to see guitarist/vocalist Josh Wackerly singing “Gone Sick” (which Carrie wrote for the aforementioned Touchdown Eagle), which just rocks brutally.

Panda and Angel on

Panda and Angel

I felt bad for the bands, though. They were looking pretty parched while performing on the floor stage. Aparently there are no drinks allowed on the floor stage in the corner of the Wildrose. The lack of refreshments, however, didn’t keep either band from delivering an expertly crafted aural assault. Good times.

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