Who the Hell is Johnny Render?
Johnny Render
By Derek York
The first offering from Johnny Render is a collection of well crafted songs with an intimate quality to them.
“Wait, who the hell is Johnny Render?” you might ask yourself.
Well, according to the man’s bio he’s “a longtime Hollywood-based musician and entertainer who has chosen to release his album anonymously, in an attempt to see how the music holds up on its own.”
It does.
In fact, the old salt soul of Johnny Render is instantly addictive in the most positive way.
The record is incredibly well produced, leaving open spaces where necessary and not cluttering the tracks with excess instrumentation. The result is a sense of familiarity with this music, leaving you immediately singing along like you’ve always known the words.
The guitar and drum work are completely on point and the song arrangement is pleasing to the ear. Gorgeous hooks abound beckoning the listener to get lost in a sea of audible pleasure.
Our mystery man’s songs are funny, too, providing romantic and sincere glimpses into the lives of everyone you’ve ever known. You’ll appreciate the levity alongside deeper seeded feelings and brutally frank vocals. – (8/10)