Artist Spotlight: Rachaels Children
New Seattle Punk Band Rachaels Children Provide Space for “Communal Tantrums”
By Andy Perkovich
Rachaels Children are a three-piece experimental punk band from Seattle who’s sound combines rhythmic looping guitars, driving beats and wailing vocals to create a crescendo of noise that is equal parts beautiful and terrifying. Imagine if Bikini Kill and Talking Heads had three babies and raised those babies on sugar, anger and rock n’ roll.
The group began in a backyard where housemates Meer and Rel began exploring musical ways to express their domestic anxieties and frustrations. Their meeting and musical union lead to their first song, the subtly-named “Get The Fuck Out.”
The current iteration of the band came together in 2017 on the set of a Shabbaz Palaces video shoot when Rel participated in an extended make-out scene with Jordi, who she later learned was a drummer. BAM, the band was complete!
The group says their passion for creating sound “stems from a desire to reject compliance and provide a space for communal tantrums.” As their recent performance at Lucky Liquor demonstrated, this is a band that will look you in the eye, bark in your face, and send you home wanting more.
The band hasn’t announced a release date for their debut record, but I’m hopeful it arrives early in 2020. Until them, check out my photos from the Lucky Liquor show and visit their Facebook page to find out when they play live.
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