14 Bands to Watch in 2014: #10 Poverty Bay
The rebellious nature of rock seems to be something bands try to hide. You have dudes that think they are tough and try to let their instruments say that…..LAME. Then you have the sensitive types that whine and caterwaul with the purpose of lulling their audience into a sympathetic malaise….MORE LAME.
With Poverty Bay, what you see is what you get; three great musicians who like to write great rock songs with impressive pop hooks. Never to0 tough and never to0 sensitive….just right. If you doubt this ask the droves of great looking women who attend their shows.
Check out the other bands on Tim’s list of “14 to Watch in 2014” at:
- Clearly Beloved
- Crooked Smile
- Death By Stars
- Elbow Coulee
- The Spider Ferns
- Summer Babes
- Ever So Android
- Wildlife Indoors
- Radio Raheem
- Threefold Seahorse
- Infinite Flux
- Mrs. Howl
- Suction