Nada Mucho

Joseph Giant: Like a Thick, Comfortable Sweater

Posted by January 4th, 2014 No Comments »

Timbrrr! Fest Series: Joseph Giant

“This is a Joe Giant record!” The exclamation opens Joseph Giant’s self-titled album from 2010, a collection of full-hearted tunes with a downhome appeal and technical finesse. The band has chosen to put the album up for free on Bandcamp until their performance at Timbrrr! Fest, “just like the good old days”, boasts their Facebook page.  

Speaking of the good old days, Joseph Giant’s Timbrrr Fest slot marks their first full band performance in two years, guaranteeing a lively show to be sure. Though Giant has performed solo sets in Seattle, the band reunion signals a revitalized period for the group, especially in terms of new music. The band has mentioned another album in the works, which means festival attendees may be treated to a preview of what’s to come. For now, revel in the simple beauty of Joseph Giant’s debut album, the musical equivalent of a thick, comfortable sweater.

Nada Mucho: Have you been to Leavenworth? If so, what impressions did it leave with you?  
Joseph Giant singer/songwriter Joe Syverson: I have! A couple times. Seems like a nice town, lots rafting and hiking if you are into that kind of stuff. I remember going there when I was a little kid and being really confused by the whole German thing. 

NM: Since the festival happens in early 2014, what are some of your New Year’s resolutions?
JG: Well, last year, 2013, I quit smoking on Jan 2nd. It’s hard to beat that one. Maybe win the lottery and buy a house in Seattle! That’s it, yeah. Okay, maybe record another album, too.

NM: Timbrrr! advertises hot toddies. What are some of your favorite recipes?
JG: I don’t really drink anymore. If I did there’s no way in hell it’s going to be a hot toddy. (Sorry, no offense Timbrrr!)  

NM: Which of your songs would you recommend listening to on a brisk winter day?
JG: “Till The Sunshine” 

Timbrrr Fest! takes place January 10-11 in Leavenworth, Washington. 

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