Seattle Band Temple Echoes: Going Places
Timbrrr! Fest Series: Temple Echoes
Photo by Hilary Harris
Temple Echoes have accomplished so much in their short time as a band that, when they performed at Slack Fest last year, they didn’t have a name yet. Fronted by Gabriel Mintz, a Seattle-based vocalist whose local fame has earned glowing reviews and a KEXP Song of The Day, Temple Echoes are undoubtedly going places.
Based on the handful of songs available on their Soundcloud page, an EP or album isn’t far away. Mintz’s voice ranges from spectral oddity to tearing at the seams, which is all engulfed by percussive instrumentation and agreeable chords. Even the differences between the “Se’er” demo and the final version show a group with clear artistic direction and the ability to execute as they see fit. Make sure to find Temple Echoes at Timbrrr!, they’re likely to make big waves in the coming months.
Nada Mucho: Have you been to Leavenworth? If so, what impressions did it leave with you?
Temple Echoes: Michael has been to Leavenworth several times. He hasn’t spent much time there since he was always just passing through to go camping or fishing. Bradford and Gabe have not been. Gabe is Jewish and is somewhat leery about going to any German or “Bavarian” themed town. I think it has something to do with the architecture.
NM: What are some of your New Year’s resolutions?
TE: One of our resolutions is to get an album released. After two years of being in an on again off again band, we feel it’s time to commit to a loving relationship with one another.
Some other resolutions are:
- Quit smoking.
- Drink more water.
- Be a better friend/son/brother/human
- Other than that things couldn’t be better.
NM: Timbrrr! advertises hot toddies. What are some of your favorite recipes?
TE: Our favorite Hot Toddie is the classic! Bourbon, hot water, lots of lemon, honey, and a cinnamon stick! But we’re looking forward to trying the Timbrrr!: Hot Spiked Cider with Red Stag Hardcore Cider Whiskey, Hot Spiced Cider, and Love. Mostly because it’s made with Love, and we love the taste of love!
NM: The festival features snowshoeing and other winter-related activities. Do you have a favorite snow sport?
TE: Our favorite winter would have to be dog sledding. It’s not super common in these parts, but when you get behind the reigns of a six-dog power sled, the rush is unforgettable. Inner tubing is pretty fun too. We’re gonna try and catch some of that action after a belly full of brats!
NM: Leavenworth in January calls for warm clothing. What is your essential gear for the winter?
TE: Essential winter gear for Gabe is his camo jacket, crusty jeans and his new Timberland cross trainers. Bradford’s essentials are his vintage EMT leather jacket, slip on leather shoes, some scarf he lifted off a mannequin, and a wool beanie. For Mike, it’s long underwear from November to March and some warm coat he stole from his Grandma’s closet. As you can tell, we do not sacrifice style for warmth.
NM: Which of your songs would you recommend listening to on a brisk winter day?
TE: All of our songs lend themselves to a variety of settings, but for a brisk winter day it would be a song called “Windy City” or “Where It Belongs”. At the moment the only place to hear any of these tunes are live or on Temple Echoes Soundcloud page.
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